Episode 11: Why You Should Be A Podcast Guest As A Podcast Host

Want to grow your podcast and increase your listenership? Going on a podcast as a guest could be step number 1. This episode will help you to understand why being a guest on a podcast is super important for your personal brand and podcast growth, and how to be a good guest.

You'll learn:

  • The benefits of being a podcast guest

  • How being a guest can help position you as a thought leader

  • Selling through storytelling

  • Tips for being a good podcast guest

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  • Good Chat Media acknowledges the traditional owners of the land where we work, live and record the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation and we pay our respects to elder's past and present always was always will be Aboriginal land Hey, I'm Cass, the founder podcast production agency, Good Chat Media and welcome to Good chats. Good chat is a podcast with a holistic approach to business and marketing. And with the help of some super special people, I'll be spilling all the secrets about boosting your brand building credibility and connecting with community through podcasting. Let's get into the episode.

    Hi. Hello. How are ya? How are ya? I hate when I sound so Australian. I get very insecure about it when I feel like I'm sounding very. How are ya? I'm coming to you from the sunny side of the world. I am in California right now. I'm hanging out with my family, enjoying the different environment that I'm in.

    I'm out of my apartment, which is a huge surprise and. I'm coming to you from the central coast of California. So hey, how are ya? What's going on? It's you girl cast here for another episode of the Good Chats podcast. I'm chatting to you today about being a guest on a podcast and why it's important for the growth of your own podcast to be a guest on other people.

    Podcasts. So the way it's gonna go, I've got a few really good reasons why you should be a guest. And then I've also got some tips on how to be a good guest because I think this is something that's very important. You wanna make sure you're always being a really good guest because let me tell you, the podcasting industry is small.

    People talk now. I don't mean that to come across. In any other way than let me help you be better, I just want you to know that being a good podcast guest is really important, and it will help you look better to other people in your industry. So positioning yourself as a really great human is something that I think is an easy thing, but sometimes it's not as easy for people.

    So I've got some good tips on how to be a good podcast guest so that you can be known as a good human in the c. Let's get into the episode. So let's talk about reasons why you should be a podcast guest. When you have your own podcast, you are deep in the thoughts of strategy, how it fits into your marketing strategy and content strategy.

    You're thinking of how you're gonna repurpose it. You're thinking of who's a great guest that can talk about. This topic, how this will be really great for my audience, all of these things. But sometimes you forget that telling stories about your own experiences through those conversations that you're having with the other people on the podcast is still very important.

    So what I mean by that is even when. You feel like you’re interviewing someone. I want you to first off, change the interviewing as you are having a conversation with someone and a conversation that is gonna provide a but load of value for your audience when it comes to being a guest on other people's podcasts.

    It's a really great time to have those stories that you have locked away in your memory bank to come on out. And you can share them with a whole group of new people. When you're a guest on a podcast, it means you are able to reach a whole nother group of people that you wouldn't normally have. So picking the right podcast to go on is crucial.

    So say if I was a mindset. And I wanted to work with businesswomen, I would be like, okay, right now my audience is businesswomen. Sure. But I feel limited. Okay. What podcasts speak directly to businesswomen? And when they speak to how do they do it? Do they have the same values as I do? Are they aligned to me and my values?

    Do I have something to offer that audience? Because really what you wanna be thinking about is how can I add value to someone else's audience? It's a really great way to build up your personal brand and your brand awareness. So if you've got something going on that you are wanting to promote, the best way to do that, as I always say, is selling through storytelling.

    So you don't wanna go onto the podcast and just. Yap Yap Yap. About the upcoming course you're releasing or membership or whatever, but you can sprinkle it in and you can talk from your experience in how you helped someone in a way that adds value to that conversation, rather than it being a promotional tour going on all these podcasts.

    You want it to be, how can I add value again? Because when you're adding value, You are giving away this free knowledge and expertise that people are gonna be like, oh, okay. When I think of mindset, I think of this person. And so they're gonna go, you are gonna be at the top of their mind when they think of that and they want.

    To dive in deeper. Also, because you're sharing your story to a large audience, it's really gonna help you build your personal brand to establish you as a leader in that industry. The more eyes that are on you, the more people that you are sharing your opinions with. You're sharing your thoughts with. The more that they understand you and your business and what you do and how you help people, the more likely they're gonna come to you.

    And then when you let them know that amazing, you've got a podcast too, that's gonna be like, oh, cool, I'm gonna go and see what that's all about. And because they trust the person whose podcast you are on, they. Okay, well if they like this person and want them on the podcast, they have to be doing other things that are cool.

    So let me go check theirs out. So that's a really great way too. The other thing that I would say is a really, really good way to be a guest on your podcast, and I already mentioned this, but staying that top of mind for people is something that is extremely important. So being able to network within your community and have the opportunity to talk to people in a deep conversation that you wouldn't normally have if you were just at a, either a networking event or if you were on an online chat.

    Or in like a, you know, an Instagram conversation or something like that, you have the opportunity to actually dive deeper with someone and really unlock those things of what do they do exactly, how exactly do they help someone? And so when you go onto someone else's podcast, you're networking with them, but also you are opening yourself up for other opportunities, other collaborations, and to really have an actual professional relationship with this person.

    Now, this might mean also if they're in alignment with you. Why not ask for a swap? So podcast swapping is really good when you can think of two topics that are similar, but come from different angles. So if it is on the person's podcast, who is a business coach, and you're a mindset coach, and. You are on their podcast.

    You might talk about how your mindset controls everything you do in your world. Now you can talk about the same thing on the podcast and actually something some people have asked me in the past have been, if I do a recording on their podcast, can we just use the same recording and look you can. But I don't recommend it because it just sounds strange.

    It's like if someone came onto my podcast without you knowing and started asking me questions, and you were like, hang on, this doesn't sound right. This is not what I'm used to, what is going on here? It confuses the audience, and I believe it would cause more drop-offs than people listening to the whole episode because it's not their normal.

    Humans are creatures of habit. We want to know what we're expecting. We want to know that when we are coming onto this person's podcast that it's gonna be the same every time, or that it's gonna be similar every time. So going back to having a swap, if you were on the podcast as a mindset coach, you could talk about, you know, three different things that impact mindset for business women.

    And then if they come onto your podcast, they can maybe talk about productivity tips or they can talk about something that aligns with your audience as business owners, but maybe it is something that is more holistic so that you can get the benefit out of it as well as it shows off their expertise as.

    Does that make sense to you? I know you can't talk back to me, so hopefully you're just nodding and that it makes sense. Other benefits that aren't, you know, my main ones are improved speaking skills, so the more you practice, the better you get sharing your story. As I said, it's a really good opportunity for you to have those stories saved in the bank so that you can come out and bring them out when it's time and they make sense in the context of what you're talking.

    It's further content creation, so you can repurpose the podcast episode that you are on to your website, a blog, or on your social media channels, and this can help you generate more traffic and leads as well as positioning you as that thought leader when you're sharing your opinions and your thoughts on that podcast.

    Another one is how much you can learn. I feel like when I talk to other people, On my podcast that have podcasts and they're talking about their experience, what they do, how they do it that way. Every time I learn something new, I truly believe every day is a school day. And when you can get more knowledge of your industry through the experience of other people, why would you not want to?

    And the last one that I would say, It's actually so much fun as well as building those relationships. I think being able to talk to people that are like-minded and that share the passion that you have for a certain topic is such a beautiful thing, and it really gives you an opportunity to be able to create something unique together.

    There is not a lot of mediums that allow you to do that on the internet, especially when we're doing a lot of our creating time at home and a lot of. Podcast recordings in our home studios or our living rooms, whichever you wanna call it. So they're the reasons why I believe that you should definitely jump on some podcasts to spread the word about your, if you've got a new podcast coming out, to spread your word about that to, you know, really build the hype.

    Or if you've already got a podcast, just to get in front of more ears. It's a really great way to build your brand awareness and bring it back to more ears on your podcast, and that's what we want, right? More ears equals more conversions equals more. So my friends, here's where I get sassy. Here, am I, I was gonna say tips, but these are my must-haves for being a good guest on a podcast.

    This is something that I live by and this is something that I recommend to everyone. So listen up. Number one, the first thing in being a good guest, listen to the podcast you are gonna be a guest on. I cannot believe the amount of times that I've heard people go on podcasts and not realise how they run their podcast or how I, I genuinely can't believe it.

    Like, why would you go on a podcast that you've never listened? Why would you want to? To me, that just doesn't align with how people run their businesses. I run my business in alignment with people that give me energy. You know, people that are really good, humans that are doing really cool shit. That's the people that I wanna be around.

    And if I pitch to them to come on my podcast, I don't expect them to listen to it first. That's okay. But maybe if they listen to one or two, like, you know, starting episodes, small episodes, that's so fine. I just wanna make sure that when people are coming on that they've actually listened to the podcast.

    It is. So, no, I'm just leave it there. You get my points. The next one, for God's sakes. Be on time. Am I gonna do a slow release? Of these words every time. I don't know. You'll see in a sec. Please be on time. And that is not just showing up on the day on time, but I'm talking about even just getting your information to the podcast host in time as a podcast.

    Host, you should know how long it takes and how much effort it takes to put together your guest management. So please don't be an a-hole and be late on these things. Get your bio and your images and your links together and send them over to the person whose podcast you're gonna be on when they ask for it.

    If you don't have it ready, if you don't have your bio links and headshot ready, I would suggest creating a task in click up in Asana, whatever it is, or putting it in a doc and having it ready there. Or make a media kit a one pager with all of your links, your headshot, your bio, where people can find you.

    Topics you can talk about so that you are not draining the life of the podcast host or their team members because no one wants to chase you up. Okay? So be on time Now, on the day number three is preparing your talking points. So if your podcast host is a good one. Everyone do this. You'll have your episode questions or topics before the podcast so that you can prepare your talking points.

    Now, this is a really good time to prepare all of those answers that you'll have and the key messages you want to convey so that you stay on track during the interview. The next two are along the same lines. Which are used stories and examples in your talking points, so have some stories prepared. As I said, storytelling is the best form of selling.

    So when you have these questions, jump in and think, how can I shape this around a time where I helped someone achieve something and this was the outcome? This is gonna show how prepared you are and it'll just flow. You don't have to talk about client transformations if it doesn't fit in. Anything that fits in that you have a story about that people are going to connect to and engage with are really important.

    It doesn't have to be, you know, some sort of client transformation or business story. If you're not talking about business, it can be about. I mean, one of my guests, who you'll hear from in a few weeks time, we spoke. The Beyonce Coachella performance that had nothing to do with what we were talking about, but the story made sense in the scheme of the conversation.

    So have a couple of stories and examples ready to go. And the other thing is to be concise with your responses. So, You'll have those talking points ready to go. Make sure that they are really clear and straight to the point so that you avoid rambling and going off topic. There's gonna be times when, you know, conversation sways, you're gonna go off on little tangents here and there.

    That is so fun. As I say, a little sprinkle of chaos is so fun and it can be really enjoyable and you just, sometimes it's really nice for it to be like, oh my gosh, I don't know how we got here, but this is fun. But don't make it be like, oh my gosh, how did we get here? Like, I wanna go home. Let's never talk about this again.

    You don't want it to be like that. So try and be concise with those talking points so that you can really make sure that you are sounding professional, you know your shit. Get to the point. No, I'm late. Get to the podcast. Come on, let's go the last one. Once the podcast is over, promote it. There is nothing worse that when you do all the work for someone to come on your podcast and you've put all the hours into.

    Getting someone to edit it. You've got someone to write the show notes. You've done all of the guest management, you've done all of the marketing, you've, you know, put it on your website, you've scheduled it out into the world. Everything you've done, all of the post-production, ready to go, and the person who was the guest doesn't share it.

    What the hell? Post-production is a huge beast. There's so many things involved, and that's why a lot of people do get help. And if you've already got a podcast, you will already know this. The least you can do is to share when the assets are sent to you about the podcast. There is nothing worse, truly. I mean, there is lots of things that are worse, but I really think just be a good human help support them and share the podcast.

    You can repurpose the crap out of it. Put it on your media page as the media kit that I told you to create just before. Create a blog post, create social posts, put it in your email content, wherever you like to market, your current podcast or your business. Add it to that. It's a really great way to help grow your podcast audience because you are sharing someone else's content.

    And it's also a really great way to build your personal brand, and you wanna be known as a supportive person. I think it's the least you can do to help them. All right, I'm sick of being sassy. Now. I know this episode has been a lot of sass, so I'm very sorry if anyone's offended. I'm not because you should be doing all these things, but really I think the tips for being a good guest on a podcast really is just ream.

    Just be a good human and and give a shit. That's everything about podcasting community. We've had that conversation with Jordan and Hayleigh. Just give a shit. Okay? Be kind, give a shit and we'll see you next week. Bye.

    We want to say thanks so much for joining us for another good chat. We would love if you would help us with our 2023 goals to get to 100 ratings and reviews and then send this podcast on to someone who you think will love it just as much. Connect with us on LinkedIn Instagram, my good chap media. I will chat with you next week. Bye. This podcast was produced by good chat media.


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