How to Monetise Your Podcast

Podcasting takes up a lot of time and resources, so let me tell you how make some extra dollarydoos!

There are a few ways to monetise your podcast, so let me go over your options.

Sponsorship Deals

Sponsorship ads are placed in your podcast and they can be done one of two ways, the first being an ad they provide - similar to what you would hear on the radio OR an ad that the host reads.

If you're wanting to reach out to sponsors, I recommend putting together a media kit about your podcast, the types of listeners, how many downloads per episode etc. That way you can go in with a strong pitch on why they should sponsor you.

Affiliate Partnerships

Some brands will let you sign up as an affiliate and you'll get a kick back from whenever a listener buys the products you're promoting. This is a risk, as you may never sell anything but it could have a huge reward if you can sell it right.

Offering Premium Content

Think OnlyHams, but for your podcast. If you don't feel comfortable putting sponsored ads in your episodes, this could be a good option for you. Here you can offer exclusive content to members like additional episodes that isn't available to your regular listeners - and no nudity necessary.

Selling Merchandise

Clients of mine started their launch process with a media day with their podcast name on a t-shirt and it was SO CUTE! So much so that not only did I want one, but when I shared the post, a friend of mine messaged and asked where she could purchase one.

Now you don't have to do just t-shirts, you can do earrings, sweatshirts, hats, mugs, stickers, pencils - you name it, you can put your face on it.

You can also do this with a print-on-demand service so you don't need to have the inventory stacking up in your living room.

So put your cute ass logo on a sweatshirt and sell it honeyyyyy!

Live Events

Throwing a live event can be the best way to get your community to bond and feel oh so special. You can throw an after work drinks, a luncheon or simply a networking event for everyone to get together.

Selling Your Services

This is the one thing I suggest for the clients I work with. When you have a podcast, you're positioning yourself as a leader in the field and people will come to YOU for advice. Here's where you can convert those listeners to new aligned clients. For example, slip your new membership or course promo in the conversation and let the audience know they can find out more information by checking out the show notes.

There is no one "right way" to make money off a podcast, it's whatever suits you and your podcast goals.

If you have a podcast but want to talk strategy, my audit and strategy coaching session may be for you. You can check out more info and book your session here.

Cass x


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